Thursday, July 31, 2014

Tennis sketch by Gloria Poole of Missouri and Georgia

Tennis sketch by Gloria Poole of Missouri and Georgia; acrylics on 9 x 12 paper
Tennis is one of life's entertainments whether playing it or watching it. I technically learned to play tennis when I was student at University of Georgia, though not as a student activity but as a result of a friend I had in Athens.  I never excelled at it however. But I know from that experience that tennis, both watching it and playing it, is the be all and end all for some people.  This sketch is acrylic on 8 x 11 watercolor paper in sketch book. This is not a real person but the tennis wear is as women tennis players usually wear.  It was good practice for me because I am trying to learn to paint in a sense of movement in the human-like figures and that is a skill unto itself.

This blog has a theme of events in life or situations that make people happy--no ulterior motive or complicated theme.  

I have another simple site with a similar name at
and I realized today that might confuse people. I also have other blogs that i categorize as : prolife; teaching gospel; teaching public health; displaying art so you might enjoy some of those also. I am not trying to deceive anyone. There seems to be much confusion on web about who I am, [Google search my name and you will see some of the problems] but I am U S citizen and law abiding and trying  to be productive and helpful to others by sharing art, knowledge as RN, and gospel.

Copyright notice: this blog and its content is owned by me Gloria Poole residing in Missouri but born in the state of Georgia. It contains art, photos, and words that I created; and it may not be transferred to anyone anywhere, nor have domains forwarded to it that do not belong to me, nor be re-published, nor be printed at remote, nor copied, nor photo-copied. As original content created by me it is covered by U S copyright laws.

For the record: I am a white, Souther Baptist Christian, woman and I am single again twice divorced and a Registered Nurse in my profession with a license in Missouri [but I do not work in nursing because of trauma and concussions I had more than once and secondary to violence against me and an attempt by someone to run over me with a vehicle.] I draw, sketch, paint , tweet, blog , photograph to be productive. I am also a mother of 2 grown daughters who are Jennifer and Leigh, [but no sons] and an artist in all mediums, a writer, blogger, citizen journo, photographer, prolife activist, personhood amendment promoter, republican.

Gloria Poole / gloriapoole / lifes-entertainment / gloria-poole / gloria.poole / Gloria. Poole / Gloria Poole, RN, artist / artist-gloriapoole / gloria0817 / gpoole817 / Ms Gloria Poole / @gloripoole / and other variations of my real, born with, legal name of Gloria Poole [ since I resumed my maiden name after both divorces including my maiden surname of Poole] at my own, private apt in Missouri, which is not shared [meaning no one else uses my equipment but me and no one else is authorized to login to my accounts but me], on 31 July 2014 at 4:18pm.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Zoos are one of Life's entertainments sketch by Gloria Poole

I, Gloria Poole, drew this from a photo that was tweeted to me the other day. You see my handwritten notes on it, to prompt me how to paint it later.  I was looking at computer screen and drew the basic drawing in ink, then painted it the next day. This is acrylic on 8 x 11 inkjet paper because that was the paper I had in my desk when the tweet with photo appeared. I thought it was a great image because I have never seen a camel that close up.  Of course, I signed this and photographed it and uploaded it for this blog with theme of events and things and people that give pleasure to life. I think zoos are wonderful. One of the most wonderful zoos is in Omaha, Nebraska ! I love that zoo. Also, I improvised /painted a logo of sorts and it's barely adequate but I like it better than what was there. So cope with it for time being. I might design a better one when I get around to it. 

There are zoos all around the world of course. And there are what is called "petting zoos" where you can have a close encounter with an animal and touch it, pet it, even feed it in some cases.  

This is just a fun blog, no ulterior motive or serious theme. Just a blog to add content too of things that make me smile hoping they make viewers/ readers also smile. 

Copyright Notice: this blog and all content on it belongs exclusively to me Gloria Poole , residing in Missouri, but born in state of Georgia, and I own all rights to it. This blog and or its individual posts may not be transferred to anyone anywhere, nor have domains forwarded to it that do not belong to me, nor be copied, nor photo-copied, nor printed at remote, nor saved in entirety to disk. It is intellectual property since I have the original art that I created that I photographed and uploaded to this blog of mine. It is covered by U S copyright law.

Also see other art I create and post to blogs as a way of making art accessible to all people, on these other blogs that are mine that I post art too regularly; and remember each is unique, different:
and I post art  I create intermittently to my prolife blogs also.

Gloria Poole / Gloria / gloria-poole / gloria.poole / artist-gloriapoole / Gloria Poole, RN, artist / Ms Gloria Poole / Poole.Gloria / gloriapoole.RN / @gloriapoole /  gloria0817 / gpoole817 / photi-by-gloriapoole / cartooning-by-gloriapoole , and other variations of my real, born with, legal name of Gloria Poole, [since I removed the Pappas name from my name forevermore at final decree of second divorce in Oct 2007] at my own, private apt in Missouri which is not shared with anyone, [so no one else is authorized to login to any acct of mine]; 22 July 2014 at 9:05am

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Making music is one of life's entertainments sketch by Gloria Poole of Missouri

Making music is one of life's entertainments sketch by Gloria Poole of Missouri, 13 July 2014, watercolor on 9 x 12 paper.  That is my left hand holding the left corner to try to prevent edge from curling.  Obviously this sketch shows a time of the Christmas season, but making music is a year round event for some people.  I studied singing and sang with the high school chorus while the band accompanied us, and that was one of the most fun times of my life. I still love to sing, but I have cried so much for so many years [secondary to events in Colorado that caused permanent injuries to me; and events in Missouri when someone tried to run over me with vehicle that caused more injuries to me] that my voice is damaged so I can't sing much now.  But I love music if it's real music and not just too loud music with screaming and hysteria! Also, this is only the preliminary sketch.  I may repaint it in acrylics to make it bolder brighter. Also, I photographed this on my portable drawing board and that is a lamp shade you see behind it to the right.  

Also, obviously music festivals happen mostly in the warm weather months.  But music and celebrations of any sort go hand in hand.  Of course, you know the #WorldCup is happening now, and I am thinking how to illustrate that but want to see who wins it first.  I think #Germany will win.  It's an event I would like to have attended today for the final match.  So maybe I will post my sketch or painting of World Cup when I get it more firm in my mind what part of that huge event I want to paint, and get it accomplished. 

Also, here is some information of Green Mountain  festival that is happening today in Vermont:

Also, remember for entrepreneurs and maybe artists also, being entertained is a different experience.  I thought about that as I read this article.  I studied entrepreneuship at the #universityofgeorgia as part of course work for a business degree so I understand much about it.  I think entrepreneurs don't tend to seek day long events that are mainly for pleasure. The drive to create compels them as it does artists, and simply being entertained can sometimes seem boring . Quote: "The essence of entrepreneurship is the deep desire and need to take any problem, any hurdle or obstacle and turn it into an opportunity…an opportunity to fix, to build, to grow, and to create worth."From :
For the record: I am a white, single again [divorced twice] Southern Baptist woman and the natural mother of two grown daughters but no sons. My daughters are Jennifer and Leigh and they are known in their own right as accomplished, professional, educated women and they are married and have children. I am also a Registered Nurse licensed in Missouri, an artist in all mediums, a photographer, a poet, writer, prolife activist, blogger, personhood promoter, and a republican. 

Also, I noticed that someone in Colorado is still trying to access this account of mine. So, I did some things to try to secure this account. I do not have friends or family or business partners of any sort, nor artist's rep, nor literary agents in Colorado [or anywhere for that matter].

 Copyright Notice: this blog and all content on it belongs to me Gloria Poole, RN, artist of Missouri; and it may not be transferred to anyone, nor have domains forwarded to it that do not belong to me, nor be saved to disk, nor downloaded, nor re-published . I, Gloria Poole, drew, painted, signed, photographed, and uploaded all the art that is on this blog. 

Gloria Poole / Gloria / gloriapoole / gloria-poole / gloria.poole / artist-gloriapoole / Gloria Poole,RN, artist / @gloriapoole / gloriapoole.RN / Life's entertainment / words that WORK / Tapestry of LIFE / and other variations of my real born with, legal name of Gloria Poole and of the LLPs I began years ago; at my own, private apt in Missouri which is not shared with anyone, 13 July 2014 at 9:43am.