Friday, August 15, 2014

Children taking ballet is one of life's greatest entertainments; sketch by Gloria Poole of Missouri and Georgia

"First Lesson of ballet" sketch by Gloria Poole of Missouri and Georgia; watercolors 8 x11 on paper
Anybody who has viewed any art I have created  over time; and posted on web in the past nine years, knows I have two daughters  , Jennifer and Leigh, [but no sons] and this idea is from the time when they were little and took ballet lessons.  I LOVED those times of my life, watching from the bench as they dressed in either leotard, tights, ballet shoes or tutu, leg-warmers and ballet shoes with t-shirt  and learned how to dance. They definitely learned poise and grace but neither wanted to pursue that as a career. Now, I have three minor granddaughters [and also three minor grandsons] and watching them dance in recitals or at practice or on video is fun all over again. 

 I still laugh about how my daughters when they were in elementary school  would later play "dress-up" at home with old tutus, and the costumes!  Oh, my ! They got very creative at times with the costumes and they would play for hours. And show me the costumes they put together with old recital costumes and a wildly creative bent toward "mix and match". My youngest daughter Leigh would dress herself in the most colorful and wonderful never-before-thought-of-costumes .  My oldest daughter was always a bit more risk-adverse and more cautious. 

So, when I was thinking of what to add to this blog with theme of moments of life that are entertaining and pure joy, I thought of this.  OF COURSE, I am a PROLIFER; and I think children of one's own are absolutely the most entertaining of any possible human event and for the longest time--about 18 years til they go to college and move on campus.  And even then, they are college football games to go too, tailgate parties, prom events to photograph [in college that's different but they still go to formal events there] and engagements, weddings,in a continuum of living life.  I cannot imagine how awful anyone's life would be without children of their own! 

Copyright Notice: this blog is covered by U S copyright law, and I, Gloria Poole, own all rights to this blog, and to all art, photos, words of it. I drew, painted, signed, photographed and uploaded all art that i posted to this blog. This blog and its content may not be transferred to anyone anywhere, nor have domains forwarded to it that do not belong to me, nor be printed at remote, nor saved to disk, nor copied, nor photocopied, nor downloaded. The art I post here is original art created by me and signed by me and I have the originals. 

Also, for the record and to clarify my identity since some internet companies seem to have me confused with somebody else: I am a white, Southern Baptist Christian woman and I am single-again, twice-divorced, and a Registered Nurse licensed in Missouri; and a poet, republican, prolife activist, personhood amendment promoter, artist in all mediums; University of Georgia alum, writer, blogger, citizen journo, photographer, and U S citizen born in the state of Georgia.  I divorced the second time in Arapahoe County Colorado and removed the Pappas name from my name forevermore and resumed my full maiden name including my surname of Poole, by order of District Court Judge in Centennial, Colorado. That is public record recorded on state records . That second marriage to male DBP was a fiasco and after 4 years of trauma and injury he caused  in many ways to me, it thankfully ended when Baptist Church prayed for GOD to intervene [since the law enforcement there did not consider my life worth their time and ignored restraining order against him]. You can read more about that [which does include some of the provenance of art I created in those years I lived in Colorado ] on my blog in my former married name of; and also in my blog in my real, legal, born with name at I moved to Missouri on Oct 31, 2009 and brought all my possessions with me including art I had created, and three cell phones. I acquired other phones also in Missouri when a local cab told me "we don't drive to  or in Colorado" when I called  here in Missouri using one of my phones that have 720 area codes. I keep those numbers and phones because they were published on Colorado Secretary of State business records as mine and also on blogs and domains I owned for yrs 2007-2011 as being mine and as being associated with art , words, and internet content I created/ do create. HOWEVER, I have a wired [landline] telephone in Missouri also and for good people wanting to contact me, you may call me on that phone if you are not trying to harm me.
Gloria Poole; Gloria; Gloria Poole, RN, artist; gloriapoole; gloria-poole; Ms Gloria Poole; artist-gloriapoole; gloria.poole; Poole.Gloria; @gloriapoole; gloriapooleRN at yahoo in which the RN is standard abbreviation for Registered Nurse; gloria0817; gpoole817;  photo-by-gloriapoole; cartooning-by-gloriapoole; G-L-O-R-I-A; and other variations of my real, born with, legal name, at my own, private apt in Missouri which is not shared with anyone [meaning no one else is authorized to login to my accounts but me], on 15 August, 2014 at 9:15am.